This way, when I present my character's background to others, I can be definitive about it, and not be concerned I'll step on someone else's. In that light, what I find another player presenting their headcanon generator as if it were already agreed-upon and accepted game canon, I'm a bit bothered. It doesn't happen that often, but it sticks out to me. I'm sure I do this myself from time to time, but I hope I am at least somewhat aware of it and try to give a fair attempt to avoiding it. The canon works we write our story around are at the heart of what we do as roleplayers. Part of the fun about roleplaying is sharing what you've come up with to others and then using your shared love of writing to create something new.
Now a bit of background on myself and how I got involved with all of this. Like many I was left distraught and hopeless at the April 2014 announcement of the decanonization of the EU, and could find no place on the internet with anyone who loved and respected what we had lost. Seemingly everywhere were people spouting ridiculous claims about the EU that I knew were not true but had trouble arguing against since at the time I simply did not know what I know now. In the spectrum of superheroes that ranges between "cosplayers that like to punch things" to "cosmic entity that barely acknowledges humanity exists" my preferences are far closer to cosplayers, so I do know where you're coming from.
You weren’t entirely sure, but even having known Matthew for a few weeks, even having been ridiculously excited for this date, now that it was over and the reality of this being a goodnight finally set in for you. I hope you find someone who can write this for you though. Those of you whoaren’t geeks of the comic-shop variety maynot recognizethese white boxes, but those of you who are probably felt a distinct pangof nostalgia and lost wagesjust now. This is my comic collection, such as survives.